Free Fundraising Platform

Mulberry Hill has signed up with a new fundraising platform that is free for non-profits.  It is called Zeffy. This means that if you donate $50 or $100 then 100% of that goes to MH. The fee to the donor is optional. This means you can donate without paying a fee or you can choose a nominal fee of your choice. Zeffy is a new company based in Canada and they have only recently become available in the United States. Contacts there tell us that 60% of donors opt to pay a small fee of their choice to Zeffy to help pay for the system.  This is a new business model in that is probably poised to take over the financial services market for non-profits. So if you want to donate to MH and give zero money to Zeffy that is an option.  It is also your choice to give to give an additional one, two or five percent or whatever to Zeffy to support their business model. 

Features of Zeffy’s services include the option for monthly donations, immediate tax donation documents and special campaigns. At the end of the year each donor will also receive a summary of their donations for their accountant.  MH currently has a campaign to fund the Matching CIP Grant from the City of Milwaukee. You can donate to the special campaign here and you can sign up for monthly donations to the general budget here.

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