On Thursday June 30 we had our first Neighborhood House Food Pantry Harvest. We provided 70 lbs. of greens and herbs. Volunteers picked turnip greens, kale, Swiss chard, kohlrabi, broccoli, collards, mustard greens, onions, spinach, parsley, rosemary, arugula and thyme.
The barn is closer to completion with the roofing done and the new doors installed. Next up is the painting and door latches. Special thanks to Walt for installing the doors.
Volunteer hours this week totaled 69 hours thanks to Donna, Pazou, Walt, James and Bob.
Contract labor hours totaled 19.5 with this being the last construction labor needed for the season.
We installed a raised bed and supplied the garden soil for our neighbor and volunteer Pazou Lor.
We also completed 48 ft of beds next to the north wall. Total square footage of raised beds is now at 3,467. Produce planted includes potatoes, beans, tomatoes, peppers, beets, Swiss chard, lettuce , spinach, cucumbers, raspberries, summer squash, radishes, buttercup squash, pumpkins, sunflowers, okra, zucchini, carrots, cabbage, eggplant, kohlrabi, kale, turnips, red cabbage, leeks, butternut squash, fennel, dill, onions, parsley, oregano, arugula, peas, thyme, mustard greens, cilantro, tarragon, mint and spinach. Newly planted this week were more onions, summer squash, radishes, buttercup squash and sunflowers.
Volunteers are needed this week to help pick for the food pantry. Please come between 10:00 and 1:00 for the whole time or even 30 minutes if you have time to spare.
The CIP fundraising challenge now stands at $2,375 and the monthly donations now total $150. If you can support MH monthly with $5 or $10 it would be greatly appreciated.
Coming up this week is painting the barn, building cucumber structure, poles for pole beans, weeding, and staking more tomatoes and green peppers.
If you have time to volunteer and help with these projects please let me know.