August 21 – August 27

Dear Friends of Mulberry Hill,

A great week at Mulberry Hill Gardens.  We finished the trim on the barn, witnessed some active nature, harvested 395 lbs of produce, had a great team of volunteers on Saturday and reached our $4,000 CIP matching Grant goal. 

Giant Sunflowers

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We delivered 325 lbs. of produce to College Court on Monday and Saturday and 70 lbs went to neighbors and volunteers.  It has been a great apple year and we have begun harvesting apples from the 4 trees that we inherited.   To date we have harvested over 1500 lbs. of produce for Neighborhood House food pantry, our friends at College Court, neighbors, volunteers and to folks who help themselves. 

This week we had 40 volunteer hours thanks to Donna, Jim, Marge, Donna, Claudia, Brandi, Clarrisa, Amelia and Bob.  Also need to add 5 hours for last week for an online board meeting with Ernie, Marge, Barb, Amelia and Bob. 

This week we received a new monthly donation, and our monthly total now stands at $215.   Many thanks to all that support us monthly.   Please consider $5 per month to support what we do and a onetime donation as well. 

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