September 11 to 17, 2022

Dear Friends of Mulberry Hill,

We are making progress toward closing down the garden for the season.   Potatoes, leeks, tomatoes, broccoli, turnips, carrots have all been harvested.  Still picking green beans, beets, spinach, cabbage, lettuces, cucumbers, zucchini,  radishes, collards, apples, peppers, okra and herbs.   We expect to pick most of these crops until frost. Our last planting of radishes was Saturday.  It has been a great year for apples and sending out a special thank you to Urban Eden for planting these apple trees over 10 years ago.

Volunteers, Saturday, Sept 17

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We delivered 182 lbs. of produce to Neighborhood House food pantry and to College Court at Highland and 35th street and to date have harvested 2,411 pounds.

There were 42.5 volunteer hours this week and  special thanks to Donna, Ken, Claudia, Clarrissa, Laina, Brandi, John, Lavorn and Bob.

We planted 5 more beds with cover crops and have 8 more beds to go.

We received a $500 donation in memorium of Jay Toutenhoofd from Mike and Teri Demaster. Our monthly donation amount remains at $245 and  we encourage all to consider supporting us with $5 per month if you haven’t already.   Many Thanks.

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