We had the final apple harvest this past Saturday at Mulberry Hill. Things are winding down but we are still picking small amounts of green beans, cucumbers, zucchini, beets. Also picking fall planted spinach, radishes and lettuce. Fall peas are starting to bloom as well as the green beans planted in August. Beets planted in the middle of August will hopefully make egg size before frost. Swiss chard and collards continue to regenerate after each picking.
Volunteers this week contributed 29.5 hours. Special thanks to Donna, Claudia, Laina, Brandi, Amelia, Brandi and Ken.
We delivered 45 lbs. to the Neighborhood House food pantry on Thursday and 210 lbs. on Saturday to College Court at 35th and Highland. To date we have harvested 2,666 pounds of vegetables.
Monthly donations stand at $245 per month. We will once again this year participate in the Seed Money Challenge that begins November 15.